Wednesday, 26 May 2010

27 Website

For the ongoing Harper Road project each group had to design a website, being somewhat of a freeway fanatic I volunteered to do ours. Because of the projects central themes around cameras I decided to use a camera as the interface for the navigation.
Here's a snapshot of the gallery section, the links at the bottom pull up the larger image on the viewfinder:
After a rather blowing criticism, I realized that although the camera interface added certain things to the originality of the website, it was overall detracting from the true essence of the project - the photographs. Much better to design something simplistic that was centered around the photographs and the stories behind the peoples lives rather than something flashy and unnecessary.
Here are some snapshots of the final website, it should be up and running by tomorrow (fingers crossed) so will post a link when it's all uploaded.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Harper Road

I've been terrible at updating this recently, so my sincere apologies. I've been hard at work with a group project for our second year show. There has been an empty estate left for us on Haprer Road to destroy; paint, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Our group has decided to hand out disposable cameras on the road to the residents. We want to see what they see, it will be a small insight to their lives and maybe piece together a puzzle of how the road's dynamics fit together.

The photographs are then being displayed in frames, now, due to the sheer number of photographs we have, it eliminates the prospect of buying them (we didn't have the odd hundred quid just floating around). So we've had to make them, here are photographs from our woodwork sessions:

First we drew out the template for the pieces of wood:

Then we cut them using a band saw (for speed and efficiency):

Next we painstakingly checked each piece was the right size and smoothed the edges:

Next we used a powerful sander at a 45 degree angle to form the corners:

Here are some of the finished pieces of wood (pre spraying obviously):

We then cut out pieces of cardboard for the back of the frames:

Finally we sprayed everything in a nice coat of matt black spray paint:

Sunday, 2 May 2010


Met some of the boys from an awesome band called Canterbury the other night,
you can check them out here.
Anyway, their t shirts weren't so great (shh) so I thought I'd take the liberty of designing one of my own:

Monday, 26 April 2010

Personal Professional Development

I would just like to begin with how much I hate PPD. It is the most pointless waste of time. ever.
Although, it did present me with an opportunity to create a short comic strip for our most recent brief, so maybe I can't whine too much.

Friday, 2 April 2010


which colourway do you prefer?

New Designs

These are the final four limited edition tee shirt designs I will be printing soon. If you would like one drop me a comment below!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Monday, 15 March 2010

Zombie Tee

Another Design for the website based on a previous illustration:

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

My website

Hello all, I have created a website for my project on Curious Collections

Click HERE please.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

New Ideas

Thinking of starting up my old clothing company again now I have more experience and screen printing at my fingertips. Ideas in progress,

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Tube Map

Have you ever walked miles on the underground to reach the platform to later discover that the one stop you travelled could have been walked in 5 minutes? If you're anything like me I have been waiting a long time for the tube map to be updated. Don't get me wrong - it's a truly marvelous piece of design, but it has a major flaw. The much celebrated tube map is not really a map at all, but a schematic diagram, it is geographically inaccurate and this irritates the fuck out of me.
For my new project I am investigating desire lines, wikipedia describes this as:

"A desire path (also known as a desire line or social trail) is a path developed by erosion caused by animal or human footfall. The path usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination."

This concept can be applied to everyday life, being the shortest path to our happiness, the quickest route to a certain place or something that generally makes our life easier due to a well thought out design. The tube map does not adhere to these set of specifications.

Anyway, all that said, here is my geographically correct tube map of central london:
Feel free to print out and use.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Continuing my animal wildlife themes (and still avoiding more pressing work):

Monday, 22 February 2010


This is my procrastination from work that actually needs to be done. Gosh I hate research.
My all white panda:


I have a dream to move to America, build a tree house and live off carrots and nuts.
Feeling the woodlife right now:


Really into stags at the moment, been contemplating for a while now on getting a huge one down my ribs, I'l let you know how that goes. But for the time being I'l keep myself content by drawing them:

Sunday, 21 February 2010


Realized that I never uploaded my final images from a project I did last term called curious collections. the brief stated that we had to build up a collection of something unusual and represent these in an appropriate documented fashion. I chose to collect smiles and made a book for my final piece. I wanted to investigate into how something so simple as a smile can have many underlying other emotions. The eyes have it:

Saturday, 20 February 2010


Had a bit of a run in with a bus and a curb last week resulting in the loss of use of wrist ankle and several unwanted bruises. Word of advice: avoid the pitchers of beer in the SU.
Anyway now I am finally healing (and have regrettably picked off most of the scabs) I thought I should finish up the illustrations for the cupidity website:

Unbiased Financial Planning

New commission, designing a logo for the financial company UFA, they wanted a more modern sleek design to represent the new direction the company was taking.
Here's the final logo that will be used on the website and business cards:

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Got a lightbox for my birthday earlier this week, so to celebrate I thought I would finally finish the tattoo design for Dan. Because I have built up the half sleeve piece by piece, having a lightbox makes everything a lot easier and less time consuming (not to mention more accurate). Anyway, the model I use is the "lighttracer2" bit flikery but generally proved worth its money so far.
So here it is; the final tattoo design for Dan:

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Some more initial sketches for the website:


A mate called me up last night and asked me to design the graphics for his new short film called Cupidity. You can check the website out here
Anyway, a kind of fantastical dark theme exploring the conflict between our internal and external selves,
Here are some sketches for the cupidity website:

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Just got the hydra heads to go:

Monday, 25 January 2010