Sunday, 29 November 2009

A nice day in the park

While I was at work the other day I had a minor brainwave to create a small installation for my new project. Made off with some huge cardboard boxes and after a very interesting journey on the bus planned my creation.

So, the general idea is to recreate this photo in 3D:
Several problems, one being that the original image is incredibly blurry. I have no idea who the man is, so can't ask him to repose for me. Slight technical difficulty there, so borrowed my old man:
Secondly, the bird is also blurry. Due to the deadline being in a couple of days I don't really have time to sit around outside and wait for an obliging pigeon to wait for his photograph to be taken, so I've cut corners and drawn one instead. I liked the idea of things coming out of the frame and only partially visible so I've just draw part of the bird to add a bit of mystery:
Painted one of the boxes with several coats of cheap white paint. It didn't cover the writing on them so resorted to white label stickers instead. Looking... awful. Decided to fold of the edges to create a frame, I can then put some acetate behind this to protect the inside.

The man in the photograph is a business man, so it seemed fitting to have the background made of newspaper clippings, here's my box so far:

Now i've just got to arrange everything inside, maybe add some hanging type and hey presto. My very own blue peter style box.

Friday, 27 November 2009


I've agreed to film a couple of school plays over christmas. I will be playing the filmmaker, sound technician, editor, designer and producer. Told my tutor at uni and after laughing at me for undertaking such an intense commitment he loaded me up with equipment.

Went into the school to check out the acoustics and general room proportions. They were rehearsing so I got my opportunity to check out the sound levels. I'm using a canon HV20 camcorder, tripod and a foam directional mic. A tip with the directional mic's are to prop them up at the front a couple of inches so they pick up the sound better. After I played around a bit with the positioning, the caretaker wandered down and introduced me to some wonderful omni directional drop down stage mic's. Sorted!

More to come when I've errr... done more.

Jonah and the whale

New Brief on framing, looking at what people chose to put in the frame. Had a look at some stuff by Joseph Cornell, really inspiring, you can check out his stuff at:

I've wanted to try doing some more collage recently so here's what I've done today.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Breathing Fire

He's probably just got a sore throat.

My other other horse

I like them more dragony looking.

My other horse

Still in progress.

Thursday, 19 November 2009


Managed to find the time to work on some more stores this week, brightening things up with my little chalk markers,

Holga Imitations

One of my housemates has been banging on about getting a Holga camera all week. They do some pretty cool stuff, but for £70 or so, I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff can be recreated in photoshop. I've been playing with some effects, here's my shot at some imitations:


My mate Joe is putting together a zine featuring some gnarly stuff,
I'm doing some zombie style drawings.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Vampire Girl

Another tattoo design, this is what happens when I have two essays to write. Uh.

My Horse

For my innerupperleftarm. Today I found out I was born in the year of the horse! Woop.
I'm having trouble deciding how to finish the bottom, I don't want a horseshoe, banner or rose so I tried out some smoke but I'm not entirely sure it flows properly. So any suggestions welcome!

Monday, 9 November 2009

My Girls

Couldn't sleep the other night, us students are far too cheap to put on the central heating so after shivering in bed for a good couple of hours wearing half my wardrobe I decided a much better use of my time would be ordering books on amazon. 
Found some pretty amazing tattoo books, so I treated myself. I've wanted to try my hand at some pin ups and girls faces for a while now. 
Here are some quick ones i've done:

Saturday, 7 November 2009


I've been asked to do some illustrations for Starbucks to promote their association with [RED]. I'm doing an individual illustration for each store and they will be up in selected London Starbucks stores over the christmas. The money goes to a really good cause so get involved! (I guarantee it will give you a lovely warm glowy feel).

Wednesday, 4 November 2009