So i've decided to make a pinata, which my receiver will break, thus venting their anger.
Went and bought some balloons from that amazing 99p store in Elephant shopping centre. Somehow you always seem to find the perfect things that you're not looking for in there. Got home, laid out my collection of newspapers i'd stolen earlier from one of the paper men that permanently look a little spaced, plunged my hands into a rather attractive bowl of paste and began my pinata. My first attempt, how naive of me to think those cheap, rainbow coloured balloons would withstand the weight of my amateur papier mache. And this is how my room now looks somewhat how a creche would look like if Gary Glitter ever visited.
So attempt two. Not taking any risks this time I buy industrial strength balloons with those elastic bands attached that make that incredibly satisfying noise when punched. Only problem is now i've left it so late it's 12.54 and i've only got a couple of hours left till I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep on my keyboard wondering why I stayed awake writing this post. Oh dear. Updates tomorrow.
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